§ 63C-11-307. Approval to hold contest or promotion -- Bond required.  

Latest version.
  • (1) An application to hold a contest or multiple contests as part of a single promotion shall be made by a licensed promoter to the commission on forms provided by the commission.
    (2) The application shall be accompanied by a contest fee determined by the commission under Section 63J-1-505.
    (a) The commission may approve or deny approval to hold a contest or promotion permitted under this chapter.
    (b) Provisional approval under Subsection (3)(a) shall be granted upon a determination by the commission that:
    (i) the promoter of the contest or promotion is properly licensed;
    (ii) a bond meeting the requirements of Subsection (6) has been posted by the promoter of the contest or promotion; and
    (iii) the contest or promotion will be held in accordance with this chapter and rules made under this chapter.
    (a) Final approval to hold a contest or promotion may not be granted unless the commission receives, not less than seven days before the day of the contest with 10 or more rounds:
    (i) proof of a negative HIV test performed not more than 180 days before the day of the contest for each contestant;
    (ii) a copy of each contestant's federal identification card;
    (iii) a copy of a signed contract between each contestant and the promoter for the contest;
    (iv) a statement specifying the maximum number of rounds of the contest;
    (v) a statement specifying the site, date, and time of weigh-in; and
    (vi) the name of the physician selected from among a list of registered and commission-approved ringside physicians who shall act as ringside physician for the contest.
    (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (4)(a), the commission may approve a contest or promotion if the requirements under Subsection (4)(a) are not met because of unforeseen circumstances beyond the promoter's control.
    (5) Final approval for a contest under 10 rounds in duration may be granted as determined by the commission after receiving the materials identified in Subsection (4) at a time determined by the commission.
    (6) An applicant shall post a surety bond or cashier's check with the commission in the greater of $10,000 or the amount of the purse, providing for forfeiture and disbursement of the proceeds if the applicant fails to comply with:
    (a) the requirements of this chapter; or
    (b) rules made under this chapter relating to the promotion or conduct of the contest or promotion.
Repealed and Re-enacted by Chapter 369, 2009 General Session